Thứ Ba, 26 tháng 7, 2016

The Brutal Reality…You’re Getting Old

The Brutal Reality…You’re Getting Old

The LIE we’ve all been fed.

Years ago and early in my health care career, I joined the then newly formed American Academy of Anti-Aging Medicine (A4M). I did this mostly for selfish reasons – getting old sucks man.

As you can imagine and if you’ve lived long enough, I’m sure many of you sitting there and reading along have to one degree or another and for all your own reasons – that need be important only to you, been able to realize that – aging just blows.
And just like the countless oceans of people who have walked the earth before us, just as you do now… recognize that, no one really want’s to get old. Yet despite that fact, people all over the world just subconsciously accept a lie.
The lie we are all subject to is one that suggests to us that the velocity of our age, infirmity and death are a forgone conclusion and not modifiable in any way.
That is simply not true.

The Quest for the Fountain of Youth – not just fantasy anymore

How fast a person may break down (age) is COMPLETELY subject to modulation. Given the right circumstances, nutrition and supplementation, a person can begin taking steps to slow aging and speed up healing and by extension – enhance performance.
The stark reality is that wanting to stay as young as possible for as long as possible, is a sentiment that is as ubiquitous to the human condition as breathing.
Realizing that, as far back as human history goes we find evidence of Man’s quest for some version of a Fountain of Youth. And as far back as recorded history goes, nobody has made it… but brother, times they are-a-changin’.

Aging is the disease… Technology is the Cure

Unlike our forefathers, who had to accept getting old and just “age gracefully,”YOU DO NOT.
You see, information unbeknownst to the general public (although totally available and open source), illustrates that we live in an era – where when it comes to self preservation and self optimization – Mankind in general and Information Technology specifically is able to boldly go where no Man has gone before.
What I’m saying is that – if you were to be the kind of person that can suspend your disbelief about what you THINK is possible and believe in this new thing called Science, then get ready brother, radical life extension (and radical life expansion) are right around the corner.

Math to the Rescue

How that translates to you is this: According to VERY CREDIBLE AND WELL ESTABLISHED scientists and scholars whom are participating in current mathematical models of FORWARD thinking predictions  – spanning from the 1890 census till today (at an 87% success rate on the year of the prediction) – Mankind’s life expectancy WILL escape us at a velocity of one year for every year of life… by 2045.
Well so what?
What does that equation mean to you? Here is what it means brother: what that statistic is saying is that if you were to actually make it breathing to 2045, you have the opportunity to live indefinitely… If that 87% accurate in the year of the forward prediction is true… you will have the opportunity to live forever.
By 2045 my friend, de facto immortality is available. I’d buy that for a dollar.

Mom said I should Just be Realistic…

“Being realistic is the most common path to mediocrity.” – Will Smith
Sound unrealistic, sound unreasonable or irrational?
Sure… unreasonable like when Marconi first said he could transmit data wirelessly and his colleagues tried to have him institutionalized.
Just like when two bicycle mechanics (from Ohio of all places…) said they could fly, it was unreasonable. Just like when a bee keeper from Auckland, New Zealand said he’d conquer Mt. Everest when no one ever had and he did, it was unreasonable.

Unreasonable, unrealistic? Google doesn’t think so…

Unreasonable and unrealistic is how two kids in a Stanford dorm room (with thousand dollar laptops) said they could create back links on the internet and make the world’s first true search engine… and they pulled it off.
Yeah, unrealistic but it’s all here isn’t it.
Those same two kids and their little company called Google have invested $487 MILLION dollars into immortality by 2045. What do you think they know that you do not? A lot actually.

The series begins…

So look, beyond the confines of this initial and limited introduction to the upcoming series on “The breakthroughs and possibilities of Anti-Aging,” we will be getting into the detail of HOW immortality is not only possible – but it is within the grasp of regular people just like you and within our lifetime.
Realize that, TODAY it’s our intention to just introduce you to the astounding and unreasonable advancements in Anti Aging, Longevity and Optimal Human Performance.
That final frontier, beyond Space… lay Time. Time, that elusive creature we all secretly or overtly want more of can be your best friend or your worst enemy.
It’s only up to you to choose to learn how to harness Time or float down a river of apathy and acceptance toward a black hole of oblivion.
Stay tuned, there’s more to come… and very little Time to get it all.

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